
69. HC Llynnau Cregennen - Richard Lodge.jpg

As one of the Special interest groups that was set up by the society the aim is to get together members with an interest in landscape photography to participate in and discuss this genre of photography to help us to develop our skills.

Not only do we have the chance to get out somewhere interesting, but have a walk and occasionally finish it off with a meal somewhere before returning home.

Like all SIGs there is one person who is the co-ordinator, but the outings are arranged by the members to go wherever and when they please. So if anyone has an idea then they can arrange it. We mainly go out during the week as it is the best time for the current members. Usually for the day, but sometimes we go and stay for several days. Our last being to Gencoe in Scotland.

Sound good? Then why not join us and you can take part in this Special Interest Group too.



